Building A Cloud Service Into Your Plugin

SPEAKER: Mark Tilly
TIME: 12:00 pm — 12:35 pm
ROOM: El Dorado

Akismet, Jetpack, Disqus, all of these big companies are utilizing the cloud to deliver services through a plugin. Can a small WordPress development shop even attempt this? Yes, you can, and it’s not that hard to do. Heavy volume processing, shared data across clients, AI and big data are just some of the services you can more easily deliver through the cloud.

This talk will cover key concepts you need to know to get started, including:

  • Identifying processing best delivered through cloud services
  • Architecting a cloud service plugin
  • Building a cloud service on Amazon with PHP/Apache
  • Communication between your plugin and the Cloud Service
  • Tips, volume metrics and other lessons learned in 4 years of supporting Artificial Intelligence and volume processing through a cloud service plugin
