Building Custom WordPress Themes With Sass

SPEAKER: Matt Vanderpol
TIME: 9:00 am — 9:45 am
ROOM: Calaveras

This talk is an overview of how to incorporate Sass into your theme building practices.

The talk will cover:

  • What is Sass and why should you use it
  • File organization, including WordPress-specific considerations
  • Sass best practices, including WordPress-specific considerations
  • Using a task runner (grunt/gulp) and development best practices
  • Thoughts and considerations for parent/child themes
  • Incorporating 3rd party libraries and frameworks
  • Exposing styles to WP Admin for better WYSIWYG display
  • Thoughts and considerations for development vs production CSS
  • Debugging CSS issues in the Sass
  • Mention of PostCSS and how it can complement Sass
