Extending And Improving WooCommerce: A Tale Of Poor Performance, Turned Around

Have you ever lost sleep because you were afraid your client’s site would crash with their next big product launch? Sweat through a few shirts? Anxious about a client’s hosting bill going through the roof when they tweet about their cool new eCommerce site you built? Or maybe you’re just frustrated with how slooooowwwww WooCommerce is on a production site.

Justin has been there, working with clients who are probably a lot like yours — small businesses, selling goods or services who are frustrated. Frustrated that they have to deal with technology problems, frustrated that their site is slow, and frustrated that things keep on breaking. It’s our job (and yours!) to make their lives better by helping their site do more, perform better, and save them time and money — rather than just giving them headaches.

Out of the box, WooCommerce can be great for a lot of sites, but once you hit a lot of active users, a lot of orders, or a lot of products, it can cause some serious problems. This session will talk through the right ways to extend WooCommerce — plugins that are safe to use (and some that aren’t) — as well as some advanced topics like using the right APIs for accessing the right data, swapping data stores and fine-tuning the performance of your site.

Finally, we’ll make time for Q+A to talk through any questions you might have about WooCommerce development, the right (and performant) way.


WordCamp Sacramento 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!