Empower Your Storytelling With Gutenberg: How to use blocks to boost your communication

With the new Gutenberg editor, the possibilities for visually striking and engaging storytelling in WordPress have grown exponentially. For marketing content creators, journalists, and bloggers, harnessing the power of Gutenberg can improve the effectiveness of your messages, elevate your designs, and save you time. This talk will include an overview of marketing and content creation trends, as well as an introduction to block-based design, and how to make it work for blogs and content-heavy sites.

Key takeaways:

  • In this talk, you’ll learn about current marketing trends in content design and how to put them into practice on your own site using Gutenberg.
  • You’ll be introduced to wireframing content with a block design and how to find and use popular third-party blocks.
  • I’ll share blogging and page design tricks that make the most of block design and can help your content pop and help your site be more successful.
