So far we’ve shared both the speakers and the sessions with you, and today we’re excited to announce that the official WordCamp Sacramento 2018 Schedule has been published!
We are so excited about our stellar lineup of speakers and sessions for this year’s event — and I hope that when you look at the schedule, you’ll be as excited as we are!
A Few Things To Note
You asked, we listened. This year we’ve expanded the Beginner Track to TWO DAYS and have introduced more intermediate level sessions. When browsing the 2018 schedule, you’ll find:
- The Speed Networking session was so popular last year that it’s back again — and right before lunch so you can meet new people to have lunch with!
- The Saturday Beginner Track is completely dedicated to understanding and learning how to use WordPress.
- The Sunday Beginner Track is completely dedicated to helping you get more out of your WordPress website or blog.
- We’ve got advanced development sessions, content sessions, design sessions, and sessions about the new Gutenberg editor
- And much more…
Each session in the mixed tracks is also labeled with the skill level — beginner, intermediate advanced — to help you make educated decisions about which ones to attend.
Check out the full WordCamp Schedule, get the details and description for each session, and get to know our speakers.