Applause For Bronze-Level Sponsor SiteGround


At SiteGround, we craft web hosting solutions for personal websites, online businesses and enterprise projects that our customers love. Since 2004 we empower webmasters to build better, faster, safer websites without worrying about hosting. We are proud to be officially recommended by and have 97% customer happiness rate.

Part of our mission is to be actively involved in the WordPress community, helping, attending, and speaking at WordCamps around the world. We are excited to be part of WordCamp Sacramento and we can’t wait for all the talks and inspiration we always experience at these events. This unique gathering of amazing professionals and masters of the craft of WordPress always reminds us how far we’ve come as a community!

The SiteGrounders on the spot, Stan & Ivan, who are among our WordPress veterans, will be at our booth, happy to chat about any projects and ideas you may have. They have also prepared a fun WordPress themed game and some really cool giveaways!

WordCamp Sacramento 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!